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4 Tips For Your Smile After Professional Teeth Whitening

October 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 6:10 pm
person smiling

After years of being discouraged to smile because of your discolored and stained teeth, you’re ready for a change. Professional teeth whitening offers safe, reliable, and fast results, unlike store-bought kits that can contain ingredients that may irritate your oral tissues. Once you brighten your smile, it makes sense that you’ll want to make sure the results last. Read on for four tips to keep your teeth looking beautiful after your procedure.


Invisalign VS Metal Braces: Which is right for me?

September 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drwinarick @ 8:06 pm

braces vs alignersFew people are born with naturally straight teeth. Often, alignment issues are corrected as a child or teen, but not everyone has the same opportunities. If you didn’t get braces during your childhood or you’ve suffered orthodontic regression, you don’t have to live with the results. You can get the straight, beautiful smile you’ve always wanted with braces in Waco. Now, you have more options than ever to correct your bite and alignment concerns. Besides traditional metal braces, you may be a candidate for Invisalign.


4 Ways Pediatric Dentistry Can Help Your Child Get Ready for School

August 17, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 7:57 pm
child with backpack

Over the last couple of months, you and your child have had many adventures. Now summer is almost over, and it’s time to prepare them for a new school year. You spend time gathering supplies, shopping for new clothes and shoes, and helping them feel excited for what’s coming, but have you paid enough attention to your child’s smile? Before the first bell rings, take your child in for pediatric dentistry in Waco. This semiannual appointment can have an important impact on your child. How? Keep reading below to find out!


When Should Your Child Visit Your Pediatric Dentist in Waco?

May 16, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 12:09 am
mother sitting holding child dentist chair

As a parent, you want your child to have the best oral health possible. So you’re looking to take the best initial steps to set a pattern of wellness to carry him or her into the future. It all starts by paying a visit to your pediatric dentist in Waco, but you’re not sure when to schedule the first appointment. Does your child have to be a certain age? Read on to get the answer, and also discover why it’s so important for your little one to get off to the right start!


What to Do During a Dental Emergency in Waco Over Spring Break

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:21 pm
Woman with tooth pain

Spring break is a time for fun, games, and maybe some relaxation, but unfortunately a dental emergency can turn the most exciting of days into a painful disaster. While planning for a dental emergency in Waco is impossible, it does help to know exactly what to do in the event of one. Keep reading to learn how to handle some of the most common dental emergencies to set yourself up for a fun and safe spring break.  


Celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month with Your Pediatric Dentist in Waco

February 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:39 pm
group of smiling children

It’s February! It’s time to celebrate Valentine’s Day. But did you know that February is also National Children’s Dental Health Month? The American Dental Association sponsors the month-long event to spread awareness of pediatric needs and to encourage families to focus on maintaining their children’s dental health. So, in the festive spirit, here are 4 ways you can show your child’s dental health some love this February with your pediatric dentist in Waco.


Don’t Spend Your Holidays In the Dental Chair! 5 Tips From a Dentist in Waco

December 4, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:51 am
A holiday table filled with food

Here’s a statistic that might surprise you: An estimated 27% of American adults have undiagnosed cavities. Most people assume that they would feel a cavity right away, but in most cases, cavities don’t cause pain until they’ve gotten bigger. Unfortunately, at that point they require more extensive dental work to repair. And, at this time of year, having extra holiday candy and desserts around only increases the risk of tooth decay! But you don’t have to be a “bah-humbug” to maintain a healthy smile – you can still enjoy yourself and prevent cavities at the same time. Keep reading for 5 easy things you can do to get through the holiday season – without needing dental work from a dentist in Waco!


Your Emergency Dentist in Waco Says Go to the Hospital for This

September 19, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 11:43 pm

woman holding her face in painOn a warm Saturday morning, there’s only one place you want to be, and that’s McLane Stadium, watching the Baylor Bears do battle. Today your plans are interrupted by the sharp pains of a toothache. You’ve got a dental emergency on your hands, but does it require you to head to your local emergency room? Your emergency dentist in Waco identifies common dental traumas and explains when it’s necessary to head to the hospital.


Staying Up-to-Date with Your Waco Dental Practice

June 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 2:57 pm

Two people shaking hands.

At our Waco dental practice, we always want the best for our associates, past and present. Jessica Furr, one of our hard-working associates, has decided to move back to Keen, TX. However, she won’t be going alone. She’ll be taking care of her newborn boy, which is very exciting! For the past four years she gave us her dental expertise, and we thank her for the care and knowledge she provided patients.

Taking her place is Dr. DJ Andreasen! We hope you take the opportunity to get to know him a bit better before your visit.


Is a Root Canal in Waco Painful?

August 14, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 6:52 pm

Person experiencing dental pain.Root canals have earned a bad reputation over the years, and most people shudder at the thought of having one. Did you know, however, that this treatment procedure has been widely misunderstood? This is because it’s not actually the root canal that causes your pain, but rather the infection inside your tooth. Root canal therapy actually relieves your pain, and preserves your natural tooth! Read on to learn more about how a root canal in Waco benefits you.


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