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Do I Really Need My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

September 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 7:00 pm
An X-ray image of wisdom teeth.

Picture this: you’ve just finished your semi-annual dental exam and cleaning, and your dentist is reviewing your X-rays. Seemingly out of nowhere, you’ve just been informed that you need to get your wisdom teeth removed. Wait, what? They’re not even bothering you, so why do they need to come out? The truth is, even if you don’t notice them or feel any pain, you may still need them extracted. If you’ve been recommended for removal, here are a few reasons your dentist may believe you need them out.


The Dental Implant Diet: What (Not) to Eat in the Days After Surgery

July 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 4:00 am
Picture of ice cream

After dental implant surgery, it’s essential to be mindful of your diet to ensure proper healing and avoid complications. Certain foods can irritate the surgical site, interfere with healing, or cause discomfort. If you have a dental implant procedure coming up soon, here’s what to avoid and what to eat instead.


Dental Insurance 101: What You Should Know About Deductibles

April 10, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:25 pm
dental insurance form on table

Navigating dental insurance can sometimes feel like decoding a cryptic message, especially when terms like “deductible” come into play. However, understanding these terms is crucial for making informed decisions and getting the most out of your benefits. That’s why your dentist near Waco is here to shed light on the topic and guide you through the maze of dental insurance. Continue reading to learn more!


How Can I Go on a Date When Wearing Invisalign?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 8:03 pm
Lady thinks about upcoming date

Many people choose Invisalign for their orthodontic treatment because the clear aligners it uses are far less noticeable than the conspicuous metal parts of traditional braces. These aligners are made from clear plastic and are completely removable, allowing patients to eat any food that they want. However, people still need to stay on top of their Invisalign treatment when they go on dates. Here are a few tips for dating while wearing Invisalign.


Do Baby Teeth Need Fillings?

December 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 11:25 pm
baby and parent

As a parent, ensuring your child’s oral well-being takes precedence. The prevalence of childhood cavities raises concerns, making it essential to identify and address any dental issues early on. Keep reading to explore the importance of managing cavities in children, the potential need for fillings, and proactive measures to help them safeguard their vibrant smiles for many years ahead.


A Basic Guide to Shopping for Dental Insurance

October 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:00 pm
Couple looking at computer, shopping for dental insurance

Are you thinking about shopping for a new dental insurance policy for 2024? There are many different plans on the market, and each one comes with its own set of benefits and stipulations. How can you choose the one that is best for your family? This blog post shares some points to keep in mind as you are comparing your options.


What You Should Avoid When Brushing Veneers

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 2:16 pm
In the background the blurry image of a woman smiling as she holds up a toothbrush and toothpaste in the foreground

Veneers are a popular treatment in cosmetic dentistry for addressing discolored, chipped, or slightly crooked teeth. They are typically made of durable porcelain that is customized to match the tone of your natural pearly whites and then are bonded like a cover to the front of your tooth. They can last decades,  so you’ll have a perfect smile for years to come as long as they are cared for properly.

That includes daily brushing! Some toothpaste options are abrasive and might harm your veneers, so it’s important to know what to look for. Continue reading if you’re interested in learning more about the best products to use to keep your veneers looking their best for years to come.


Is My Teen Too Young for Cosmetic Dentistry?

June 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 6:23 pm

Teenage girl with backpack and foldersThe teen years are a difficult time of life because there can be a lot of judgment among peers. If your child is embarrassed by the way their teeth look, it can lead to insecurities about their appearance, which can affect their confidence. Chips, stains, or gaps don’t have to hold your child back from feeling their best. Many teens can benefit from cosmetic dentistry, but there are a few things you should know.


A Brief History of Teeth Whitening

April 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 10:42 pm

Before and after teeth whiteningSociety attributes beautiful teeth to youth, success, and confidence. Did you know a white smile isn’t a new fashion trend? Researchers have found evidence of whitening methods and other cosmetic dental procedures throughout history. Although you don’t have to use urine as a mouthwash to combat tooth discoloration, here’s how some methods from the past have paved the way for the effective solutions of today.


5 Tips for Whiter Teeth

February 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 12:28 am
person with white teeth wearing sunglasses and smiling on beach

When it comes to having a nice smile, bright, white pearly whites are key. They give your grin a gorgeous glow and the confidence boost you need to look your best in photos and social situations. If your teeth are beginning to look yellow, there are several ways that you can improve their appearance. Keep reading to learn five tips for whitening your smile.

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