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What to Do During a Dental Emergency in Waco Over Spring Break

March 10, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwinarick @ 9:21 pm
Woman with tooth pain

Spring break is a time for fun, games, and maybe some relaxation, but unfortunately a dental emergency can turn the most exciting of days into a painful disaster. While planning for a dental emergency in Waco is impossible, it does help to know exactly what to do in the event of one. Keep reading to learn how to handle some of the most common dental emergencies to set yourself up for a fun and safe spring break.  

How to Handle Common Emergencies Over Spring Break

Handling a dental emergency for you or a loved one can be difficult without knowing the next steps. Here are some of the most common dental emergencies and what to do next:


If you’re tooth starts hurting, try flossing around the area and rinsing your mouth out with warm water. This could dislodge a pesky piece of food causing irritation. If your pain persists, you may need a root canal to get rid of infection or other dental treatments. Contact your dentist right away if you’re experiencing a toothache with persistent pain.

Knocked-Out Tooth

If your tooth gets knocked-out, grab it by the crown to avoid damaging its roots. Wash it off and try to place it back in your socket. If this isn’t possible, try to keep it moist in water or milk until you can see your dentist. The sooner you can visit your dentist, the more likely that your knocked-out tooth can be successfully replanted.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

If you crack or chip a tooth, pick up the pieces and rinse them off. While your dentist may be able to repair your tooth, there is a chance that it is too damaged. In this case, you would need a tooth extraction. With either result, you should apply gauze to stop any bleeding as well as use a cold compress to relieve swelling. After, contact your dentist immediately for treatment.

Lost Crown or Filling

A lost crown or filling can be painful because it exposes the sensitive inside portion of your tooth. If this happens, try protecting your tooth or reattaching your crown by applying dental cement—a product found at most drug stores. Call your dentist as soon as possible to set up an appointment for the restoration of your damaged or decayed tooth.

Now that you know how to handle the most common dental emergencies, you and your loved ones can celebrate spring break with confidence!

Meet the Dentist

Dr. Wendy Winarick is an experienced dentist who has a passion for providing quality care to patients of all ages. She has a family focused practice, so if you’re looking for a pediatric dentist in Waco, you’ve found one that can treat adults as well! She currently practices at Dental Station Family Dentistry, and she can be contacted through her website or by phone at (254) 772-1827 for any questions.